Are You Thinking About Leaving a Violent Relationship?
One of the first steps when thinking about leaving a Domestic Violence relationship is to make a Safety plan.
We suggest you do the following:
- Call a Domestic Violence program for support. You can reach Chest Of Hope by calling (209) 831-7889 or Emergency Helpline, (209) 259-5552.
- Call the National Domestic Violence Helpline, 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) 1-800-787-3224 (TDD) to find out which shelters have openings.
- If you decide to leave, think about the safest time to leave and how you would get out of the house safely.
- Practice first to see whether you will have difficulty getting out as planned.
- Keep any evidence of abuse – this will be helpful if you decide to take legal action in the future. Evidence includes: photos of bruises and injuries, ripped clothing, police documentation, threatening e-mails or voice mail messages and medical records.
- Begin saving some money little by little out of the grocery budget or from any other source you could find.
- Open a Checking or Savings Account in your own name and begin to establish a credit history independent of your partner.
- Obtain a Post Office Box and have your personal mail sent there.
- Consider obtaining an Order of Protection.
- Pack a bag with the following items:
- Copies of legal documents
- Social Security Card(s)
- Identification Card(s)
- Marriage License
- Birth Certificate(s)
- Green Card/Passport(s)
- School and Vaccination Records of your children
- Bank Account Information
- Extra set of keys (house, car, security box, etc.)
Do not leave your bag at home. Keep it at a safe place: a friend’s home, neighbor’s home or at work.