
Parenting Workshop Details


This workshop will provide participants with a variety of tools and skills to encourage a healthy lifestyle & parenting. Over a course of 6 weeks viewers will have the opportunity to learn about child development, child maltreatment, positive and negative nurturing, child safety, teaching responsibility, and finally self care. Meetings are once a week every Tuesday at 10:00 AM. We encourage all who seek to establish a good foundation for parenting to register for this workshop.

This Workshop will be held via Zoom, Starting April 6, 2021 through May 11, 2021.

Once registered, you will receive the zoom link by email.

What to expect as a parent (Infant to Toddler)

This class is recommended for persons who are interested in learning about the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of children ranging from 0 to 4years of age. This class is designed to inform participants of the various stages that occur in infants and toddlers. This course is discussion based and welcomes viewers to participate.

What to expect as a parent (School-age to Teen)

This class is recommended for persons who are interested in learning about the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of children ranging from school age to adolescents. This class is designed to inform participants of the various stages that occur in children and teens. This course is discussion based and welcomes viewers to participate.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Parenting

This course seeks to inform & bring awareness to the prevalence and various forms of child maltreatment. Subjects such as neglect, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse will be discussed. Upon completion of class viewers should have a better understanding of what classifies as child abuse and how to prevent it.

Mindful Parenting

This course aims to build stronger and healthier relationships between parent and child. Viewers can expect to gain positive parenting skills, ideas to promote physical and emotional health and appropriate role expectations.

Creating Leaders

This course aims to inform parents how to teach their children responsibility as well as bring awareness to modern safety issues. Viewers can expect to learn positive parenting skills and various techniques to keep children safe.

They sleep, I sleep!

For parents, self care is always a second thought. This course aims to inform parents why self care is important and shouldn’t be neglected. Viewers can expect to learn various tips and techniques to regain that special “me time”


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