Volunteer with
Chest of Hope
Are you interested in volunteering with Chest Of Hope? Here are some ways you can get involved:
- Organize and Run a Fundraiser
- Plan an Event
- Provide General Office Work Assistance
- Run a Marathon in Memory of a Victim of Domestic Violence
- Serve as a Board Member
- Work with Victims
If you are interested in any of the above, or if you have other ideas about getting involved, please contact Chest of Hope, Inc. at (209) 831-7889.
Would you like to make a difference?
Your support and compassion could make a difference in the life of a victim of Domestic Violence. As a Chest of Hope Volunteer, you could translate your concern for individuals and families in crisis into a truly meaningful effort. There are many ways in which you could make a difference:
- Family Court Volunteer: Assist individuals requesting orders of protection and/or custody petitions.
- Shelter Volunteer: Shifts and responsibilities vary and include, organizing donations, transportation of residents, child mentoring or special projects such as food preparation activities.
- Non-Direct Services Volunteer: These volunteers do not work directly with clients and perform tasks such as: representing Chest of Hope at health fairs and other community events, answering phones at the Administrative Office, assist with large mailings or work on special projects (Campaigns, Fundraisers, etc.).
- Speakers Bureau Volunteer: 7400ab Provide prevention and education presentations in our community on domestic/dating violence, sexual assault/abuse, elder abuse, and events that support the Mission and Vision of Chest of Hope, Inc.
Requirements for Volunteers
- Must be at least 18 years of age.
- Must be removed from a personal crisis situation for at least one year.
- Must attend an Orientation Session, Interview and Complete an Application Form to be accepted into the training program.
- Must commit to a minimum of one (1) year of volunteer service.
- Must take Domestic Violence Basic Training. Additional training is necessary if the Volunteer would like to work as a Sexual Assault Advocate, work on the Support/Crisis Line or with the clients at the shelters.
- Volunteers are expected to attend all training scheduled for their individual area.

Please Click HERE to complete our volunteer application online. Upon receipt of your completed application, you will receive an email to inform you of scheduled interviews, and of scheduled training(s).